With an increasing number of companies and executives using WhatsApp to liaise with colleagues and share files and data, how secure is WhatsApp to handle this without issue?
Too many executives and those within the C-suite are relying on WhatsApp despite issues surrounding data breaches and the sharing of private data. This leaves companies exposed to huge risks by ignoring enterprise security policies that are in place. Choosing a secure alternative to WhatsApp for business communication will ensure your data is kept as secure and private as possible, minimising the potential risks.
At RealTyme, our platform was built for businesses, communities, and governments first and foremost, providing total security and privacy throughout. As the perfect solution for executives, enterprise leaders, decentralized teams, and field workers, you’ll never need another alternative.
Choose a platform that provides increased productivity and enterprise-level security as standard. If you are looking for the best secure alternative to WhatsApp for your business, choose RealTyme.
As a consumer app owned by Facebook parent company Meta, there have always been questions surrounding data sharing and privacy. When Facebook took control of WhatsApp in 2014, this raised concerns about data being shared with its parent company.
Industry-specific compliance is banning consumer apps for customer conversations. For instance, it requires financial firms to keep meticulous records of electronic messages between brokers and clients so regulators can make sure those firms aren’t skirting anti-fraud or antitrust laws. An example of this was when JPMorgan were hit with $200 million in fines over the use of encrypted messaging apps.
With the varying concerns apparent to see, it has never been more vital for executives and the C-suite to avoid informal messaging services for good.
With executives, field workers and decentralized teams becoming aware of the risks of using WhatsApp for business communication, it is a good time to review secure WhatsApp alternatives.
If you are requiring the best secure alternative to WhatsApp, RealTyme can more than meet the requirements needed and ensure your business is not exposed to external security threats.
As businesses are increasingly working with decentralized teams, ensuring company data security is of the highest level is critical. Protecting your organisation from malicious security attacks can only be guaranteed using the right platforms. A secure WhatsApp alternative must be used by businesses to ensure this, and RealTyme will help you safeguard your data.
With a reported 63% of SMBs experiencing a data breach in the last 12 months, your organisation will want to be prepared and use collaboration tools that keep everything private and is simple to integrate into existing processes. Our feature-rich platform provides this and more so you won’t have to worry about data being shared outside of your organisation, something that cannot be guaranteed when using WhatsApp for business communication.
To find out more about how RealTyme is the complete solution for secure workplace collaboration, please contact us. You can request an invite and we will be happy to show you how our platform can meet your industry requirements and work seamlessly for your needs.